Friday, March 27, 2015

Nigel Hayes Gets Invited to South Coast College for a FREE Stenography Lesson

South Coast College in Orange, CA, has invited Nigel Hayes, sophomore forward for the University of Wisconsin Badgers for a FREE stenography lesson.  Let's see if he will respond to our invitation. #NigelHayes #University of Wisconsin #Badgers #stenography #captioning #court reporting #southcoastcollege 
#NCAA #MarchMadness  

If you would like to know more about how to become a stenographer, click South Coast College and go to GETINFO NOW!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Congratulations to the 65 graduates of the Court Reporting Program at South Coast College in Orange, CA 
 who passed the California Certified Shorthand Reporter (CSR) Examination in 
 2012 , 2013, and 2014 
To put things into perspective, the local community college in Cypress, CA produced 2 CSRs during this same period (2012-2014) that South Coast College produced 65 CSRs.
If you have tried online court reporting or court reporting at a community college and you were not successful but still have a desire to become a court reporter,  click on  South Coast College and go to GET INFO NOW to see how South Coast College can help you to achieve your goal.
Susan Biard, CSR
Callie Black, CSR
Lisa Cachola, CSR
Kristina Denapoli, CSR
Dulcemaria Duarte, CSR
Natalie Fagan, CSR
Sudny Gallardo, CSR
Kristi Longnecker, CSR
Pati Luisi, CSR
Kate McAvoy, CSR
Lisa Meinhardt, CSR
Hillary Meyer, CSR
Rubi Michaca, CSR
Alana Miller, CSR
Lourdes Perez, CSR
Kristiaan Ruiz, CSR
Brittany Silva, CSR
Neal Tanoue, CSR
Leah Tommela, CSR
Danielle Webber, CSR
Justus Balentine, CSR
Juvilynn Benasfre, CSR
Laura Callihan, CSR
Kim Chow, CSR
Tami Evans, CSR
Jaclyn Hawkinson, CSR
Alicia Lindsey, CSR
Kayla Lotstein, CSR
Juliann McCance, CSR
Suzana Mihic, CSR
Angella Na, CSR
Jamie Onuki, CSR
Alicia Pabich, CSR
Danielle Pelke, CSR
Michelle Perez, CSR
Kimberly Peterson, CSR
Michelle Ramirez, CSR
Ivy Reid, CSR
Shannon Riddell, CSR
Lisa Schuster, CSR
Mikayla Speegle, CSR

Tatiana Alvarado, CSR
Kristina Berg, CSR
Audrey Blockhuys, CSR
Kelly Chapman, CSR
Alyssa Cross, CSR
Jennifer Degenhart, CSR
Kylie Evans, CSR
Jordan Flores, CSR
Whitney Saiz-Hardwick, CSR
Candice Heslington, CSR
Jessica Hong, CSR
Melanie Jacobs, CSR
Jasmine Jamili, CSR
Claire Kelly, CSR
January McKeen, CSR
Suzanne Onuki, CSR
Zaneta Pak, CSR
April Panameno, CSR
Stephanie Poster, CSR
Erika Rutledge, CSR
Jose Sanchez, CSR
Rosheen Sheehy, CSR
Melissa Sosa, CSR
Jennifer Tat, CSR
2014                                                                   2013                                                              2012

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Alumni Continue to Network

At South Coast College in Orange, CA, our students develop friendships that last a lifetime. These friendships offer networking activities for students and graduates of the various programs of Medical Assistant, Legal Administrative Assistant, Paralegal Studies, and Court Reporting that South Coast College provides.  Diann Prince, a graduate of the Paralegal Studies Program, has created opportunities for Whitney and Kamryn, graduates of the Court Reporting Program at South Coast College, to do business with the law firm in which she works.  If you would like more information about how you can become part of this unique alumni group, click the link to visit the South Coast College website, and GET INFO now.

So great to see our alumni keeping in touch and continuing to work together!!!
Double dose! Two of my favorite court reporters showed up at the office today!!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Career Fair Activities -- Paralegal Placement Coordinator Encourages Networking

Emely Cruz, J.D., Legal Programs Placement Coordinator at South Coast College in Orange, CA, encourages students in the Legal Administrative Assistant and Paralegal Studies programs to get out and network as much as they can.  Professor Cruz, herself, makes it a habit to visit law offices to network on behalf of the students.  In February, she visited the Offices of Yanez and Associates, Immigration and Family Law attorneys and the Law Offices of Joseph P. Downs, Family Law attorneys.

In March, she visited the Robert D. Fischer Law Office, Family Law attorneys; Mashney Law Office, Personal Injury attorneys; and Joseph P. Foley, Estate Planning attorneys.

She makes these visits both to network and to ensure that what we are teaching in our programs is relevant to today's legal offices.

She also encourages students to attend career fairs.  She even took one of her current students, Leticia Manez, to the Orange County Career Fair to expose her to the whole career-fair experience.

She has students bring plenty of updated resumes to these events as it is possible to meet a potential employer at one of these fairs.

Look for when the National Career Fairs are in your area.  Registration for these events is free.  In fact, at the March 19, 2015 Orange County Career Fair, even an ipad was raffled off.

If you want someone like Professor Cruz in your corner when you are job searching, consider the Legal Administrative Assistant or Paralegal Studies programs at South Coast College.  Click the link South Coast College to GET INFO NOW!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Alumni Provide Job Opportunities for Court Reporting Students

Lynden J. Court Reporters
Another example of alumni of South Coast College in Orange, CA, providing networking and job opportunities to South Coast College students and alumni.  Thanks to Kristine Cardona  of Lyndenj Court Reporters for informing us of the job opportunities for court reporting students while they are in school.  Both Kristine and Lynden Glover, CSR, are graduates of South Coast College.

The court reporting agency is seeking students to transribe digitally recorded interviews.  Students must be at 170 words per minute or above.  Audio is generally law enforcement related.

Since the content is confidential in nature, applicants will be required to submit to a background investigation check.

You must provide your own equipment and be able to work from home.  Training is provided.  A good working knowledge of MS Word is a plus.  Additional opportunity for bilingual applicants. Interested parties please contact Kristine Cardona at

Click to visit Lyndenj Court Reporters

To find out more about how you can qualify to become a student in the court reporting program at South Coast College, click the link South Coast College and GET INFO NOW.

Kennedy Court Reporters Provides Jobs For High-speed Students

Thanks to Kennedy Court Reporters for scheduling a visit on March 25, 2015 to inform the high-speed students of South Coast College in Orange, CA, of opportunities while they are in school. Lyndsey Kennedy, CSR, daughter of Lori Kennedy, owner of Kennedy Court Reporters, is a graduate of South Coast College.  Lori Kennedy is one of the many court reporting agencies that looks to South Coast College to provide them with court reporters.  South Coast College produced 65 court reporters in the last three years.  If you would like to find out more about what it is like to be a court reporter, click the link  South Coast College and go to GET INFO NOW.  

Click to visit Kennedy Court Reporters

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

South Coast College Creates Best Friends

Developing friendships that last a lifetime happens when you are an alumnus of South Coast College in Orange, CA.

Pictured here are Olivia Lee, CSR; Whitney Valadez Kumar, CSR, and twin sister, Kamryn Valadez. The alumni of South Coast College are so supportive of one another and of court reporters who graduate from South Coast College. To find out how you can become a member of this elite professional group of court reporting alumni by becoming a court reporter, click the link  South Coast College and GET INFO NOW!
Fun night Friday night at the Pelican Grill. One last birthday celebration for us!

South Coast College CSR Celebration

CSR Candidates from the Court Reporting Program at South Coast College getting ready for the CSR Luncheon.  What a great group of candidates! 

Jinna Kim, Kasidy Pighini, Dan Prince.  Row 2:  Heather Urzua, Robin Casillas; Row 3:  Mary Pitton Parker, Samantha Bramel; Katy Magner; Missing:  Denise Talancon.  To keep up with the happenings at South Coast College, visit the South Coast College Facebook page at Facebook page.  To find out how you can become eligible to qualify to take the Certified Shorthand Reporter (CSR) Examination, click the link South Coast College and go to GET INFO NOW!

'CSR Candidates getting ready for the CSR Luncheon.  What a great group of candidates!!!  From left:  @[1110900282:2048:Jinna Grace Kim], @[100004363926552:2048:Kasidy Pighini], @[201000026:2048:Dan Prince].  Row 2:  @[1194616030:2048:Heather Raquel Urzua], Robin Casillas; Row 3:  @[193303760:2048:Mary Pitton Parker], Samantha Bramel; @[100000810677252:2048:Katy Magner];  Missing:  @[100008149980968:2048:Denise Talancon]'
CSR Limo/Luncheon

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Farrell Williams Robin Thicke vs. Marvin Gaye Lawsuit Alumnus Court Reporter

So exciting to hear that Alex Joko, CSR, graduate of South Coast College in Orange, CA, and a court reporter in federal court, reported the recent Pharrell Williams, Robin Thicke vs. Marvin Gaye trial that has been all over the media. How great it is to be a reporter and get an inside seat at a main event! We are so happy to have alumni like Alex who get to report really interesting cases.To keep up with the happenings at South Coast College, visit the South Coast College Facebook page at Facebook page.

To find out how doable it is for you to become a court reporter like Alex, click the link South Coast College and go to GET INFO NOW!
Alex Joko, CSR
News Media in Full Force

Add caption

Saturday, March 7, 2015

South Coast College Graduation at Bowers Museum

South Coast College in Orange celebrates Commencement Exercises three times a year at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana.  Students from the Court Reporting, Legal Administrative Assistant, Medical Assistant, and Paralegal Studies programs participate in this graduation ceremony. The speakers for the March 7, 2015 Commencement will be Thomas Sinsky, J.D., Placement Coordinator for the Medical Assistant Program; Cassandra Caldarella, CSR, Official Court Reporter; and Tehmina Khan, M.D., Director of Medical Programs.  The Master of Ceremonies will be Marlin Branstetter, J.D., Law Professor at South Coast College.  Jean Gonzalez, President of South Coast College will confer the degrees and certificates.

  1. Image result for bowers museum
  2. The Bowers Museum is located in Santa Ana, California, in the United States. The museum offers exhibitions, lectures, art classes, travel programs, children's art and music education programs, and other community events.Wikipedia
  3. Opened1936

To keep up with the happenings at South Coast College, visit the South Coast College Facebook page at Facebook page.

To find out more about the programs at South Coast College, click the link South Coast College and GET INFO NOW!

Family Affair -- South Coast College Graduates--Cousins

Brittany Gammon recently graduated from the Court Reporting program and her cousin graduated with an A.A. degree in Paralegal Studies program at the March 2015 Commencement Exercises at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana.  South Coast College in Orange, CA, is known for being the family college.  So many different combinations of family members attend and graduate from South Coast College.  Currently, Rosanna O'Rear is in 190 wpm in the Court Reporting Program and her daughter, Brigette, recently took the Certified Shorthand Examination to become certified as a court reporter.  Ashley Gregory graduated from the Paralegal Program and her sister, Amber, from the Medical Assistant Program. One of the French sisters is in the Court Reporting Program and her sister recently graduated from the Medical Assistant Program.  These are only a few of the types of relationships that exist.

If you and one or more of your relatives or friends are thinking about finding a new career, check out a college that promotes the concept of studying together in a family-oriented environment.  Click the link at South Coast College and GET INFO NOW!

Two Cousins Celebrating at the Bowers Museum

Family Affair -- South Coast College Graduates--Mother/Son

Diann Prince graduated as a Paralegal from South Coast College.  She is now working as a Paralegal and enjoys working at the law firm with which she is affiliated.  Her son, Daniel, has qualified to take the March 2015 Certified Shorthand Reporter (CSR) Examination.  Daniel graduated with honors at the March 2015 Commencement at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana.
Daniel Prince, Court Reporting Graduate with mother, Diane Prince, Paralegal Studies Graduate

Many lasting relationships had their beginnings at South Coast College.  Pictured below are Daniel Prince, court reporting graduate, and, Krista Crane, court reporting student at South Coast College
Susan Gafkowski's photo.
Daniel Prince, Court Reporting Graduate/Krista Crane, Court Reporting Student

If you have ever considered going back to school but were afraid that you did not want to go somewhere where you might not be among students of your own age group, click the link South Coast College and GET INFO NOW to see how you can still pursue a career you dream about.

South Coast College Graduation at the Bowers Museum -- Stacy Vives, RMA

Stacy Vivas, RMA

The spirit of the South Coast College in Orange, CA, graduation at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana is epitomized in this picture by Stacy Vivas. Stacy, a graduate of the Medical Assistant program, received honors for her high grade point average and for passing the RMA examination.  She is now a Registered Medical Assistant.  Stacy was hired immediately upon graduation at a clinic in Orange.  We are so proud of you!

If you would like to join an enthusiastic, motivated student body, you need to check out South Coast College.  A student once wrote, "I have been to many colleges and universities, and I have never met such an enthusiastic, motivated student body with so many dedicated, hard-working instructors."

Click the link South Coast College to get GET INFO NOW about how you can participate in this unique learning environment!

Saba McKinley Comments on South Coast College Graduation Speaker

Saba McKinley, CSR
Saba McKinley is a court reporter who has reported in court for many years.  She has covered many complex court cases.  She currently has moved to using her skills in the CART arena for the hard of hearing and deaf population.  Among other places, she provides CART services to students at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).  Recently, she has been providing training on the campus of South Coast College in Orange.  She has her own CART-provider services called DivineScripts.

She attended the Saturday March 7, 2015 South Coast College in Orange, CA, Commencement Exercises at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana.  This is what she had to say about one of the commencement speakers, Cassandra Caldarella, CSR.

"I was inspired to attend the graduation ceremony of South Coast College graduates. How amazed, inspired and moved I was at the sheer love of the court reporting profession by this school. Cassandra Caldarella, whom some of you may know, is an alum of SCC and was the guest speaker to speak on behalf of the court reporting profession. Her knowledge and love for what she does, and her character for sharing her gifts and the gifts of this profession were no less than heartwarming and motivational. I am so happy to have attended this event and to hear such a dynamic and wonderful commencement address. Way to go, Cassandra. I look forward to the day that the two of us sit down for a chit chat about expanding the stenographic profession with the inclusion of CART and Broadcast captioning as viable career choices for one who has stenotype skills."

To learn more about CART reporting, click the following link:

Visit Saba McKinley's Facebook

To learn more about how you can prepare for court reporting, CART reporting, or captioning at South Coast College located in Orange, CA, click the link South Coast College and GET INFO NOW!

March 2015 Commencement Speakers

Cassandra Caldarella, CSR

South Coast College Alumna/Court Reporter

Cassandra Caldarella graduated from South Coast College in Orange, CA, and has been reporting since 2003.  She is an experienced court reporter who specializes in the courtroom arena. She has reported in court for over eight years as an official and official pro tempore for three counties – Los Angeles, Orange County, and San Diego County Superior Courts. She is an ex-official of Los Angeles Superior Court where she reported hundreds of trials in civil, criminal, family, and probate courtrooms. She is on the court approved lists for Los Angeles Superior Court and Orange County Superior Court. Since the privatization of court reporters in civil court in LA Superior Court in 2012, Cassandra has reported more than 60 civil trials, including asbestos, toxic tort, medical malpractice, wrongful death, and employment and she has successfully completed hundreds of appeals.

Tom Sinsky, J.D.

Career Placement Coordinator, Medical

Tom Sinsky earned a J.D. from the University of Wisconsin Law School, a Masters in English from Loyola Marymount, and an MFA from USC Film School.  Five of his screen plays each advanced into multiple competitions.  He has been teaching law, English and media classes since the mid 1990s at schools including the University of La Verne, Bryan University, and South Coast College.  He is currently a law professor and Career Placement Coordinator at South Coast College. Like William Dixon, Director of Paralegal Studies, Tom is a former Disneyland Jungle Cruise Guide. 

Emely Cruz, J.D.

Career Placement Coordinator, Legal

Emely Cruz has been an instructor at South Coast College for 11 years and a law professor at Pacific West Law School for 1 ½ years.  Prior to becoming a paralegal, she had obtained a B.S. degree in Plastics Engineering.  She decided to become a Paralegal because while she was working at Custom Building Products as a Human Resources Administrator.  Because employees would seek her help on legal issues, she decided to pursue a paralegal degree to be more knowledgeable in the law.  After she obtained a Paralegal degree, she decided to pursue the Juris Doctorate degree.  In her second year of law school, she became a law clerk for the Law Offices of Kevin O’Connell.  She worked at that law office for 10 years and began teaching Paralegal Studies at South Coast College.  Currently, she is the Career Placement and Externship Coordinator, a professor of Paralegal Studies at South Coast College, and a freelance paralegal.  She even handles immigration cases for the law firm of Marlin Branstter, J.D., our Master of Ceremonies.

To find out more about any of the career choices at South Coast College, click the link South Coast College and go to GET INFO NOW!