Saturday, March 7, 2015

South Coast College Graduation at the Bowers Museum -- Stacy Vives, RMA

Stacy Vivas, RMA

The spirit of the South Coast College in Orange, CA, graduation at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana is epitomized in this picture by Stacy Vivas. Stacy, a graduate of the Medical Assistant program, received honors for her high grade point average and for passing the RMA examination.  She is now a Registered Medical Assistant.  Stacy was hired immediately upon graduation at a clinic in Orange.  We are so proud of you!

If you would like to join an enthusiastic, motivated student body, you need to check out South Coast College.  A student once wrote, "I have been to many colleges and universities, and I have never met such an enthusiastic, motivated student body with so many dedicated, hard-working instructors."

Click the link South Coast College to get GET INFO NOW about how you can participate in this unique learning environment!