Tuesday, January 6, 2015

ALUMNI ACCOMPLISHMENTS -- Whitney Valadez Passes Realtime Examination


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was one of three court reporters in the state to pass the California Certified Realtime Reporters Examination. Only three reporters passed the CCRR, a test that measures the ability of a stenographer to keep the record while writing realtime.

President Jean Gonzalez said that Whitney was undoubtedly one of the best students who ever attended South Coast College.  Whitney even came back to attend the 12-week South Coast College Realtime Workshop prior to the CCRR Examination.

That’s the kind of dedication that she has to the profession.  She wants to be the best reporter that she can be.  For more information about Whitney, press the following link:  Whitney

Whitney was recently honored in a tribute to Ruben S. Ayala High School from which she graduated.