South Coast College in Orange, CA
is hosting the California Certified Realtime Reporter Examination sponsored by the Deposition Reporters Association (DRA). Registration is now online and open for all to register for the CCRR to be given at South Coast College in Orange on April 25th. Doors open at 11:00 a.m. Test is a 12:00 p.m.
It is admirable that these highly skilled working court and deposition reporters take time out from their busy schedules to attend these workshops. However, realtime reporters are in short supply and in high demand today. Judges and attorneys are requesting that reporters let them see what is written on their computer screens. It helps attorneys to be able to use the digital notes of the reporter in locating what a witness said at various times throughout the testimony. It helps judges keep track of what is going on during the proceedings. Most of these reporters are realtime reporters already, but they are seeking a level of proficiency above what they already possess.
All who completed the Realtime Workshop given from July to September of 2014 agreed that they were better writers after the workshop. For more information regarding future realtime workshops, contact
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