Sunday, June 28, 2015

Court Reporter with Hearing Aid Passes RPR

South Coast College of Orange, CA, has so many alumni who have overcome incredible obstacles to reach their goal of becoming Certified Shorthand Reporters (CSRs).  

Shawnda Dorn, CSR, RPR
Another great success story is Shawda Dorn, CSR, RPR, who just passed the Registered Professional Reporter Examination (RPR). Shawnda is a successful court reporter!

Shawda shared her story on the Facebook South Cost College Alumni page with President Jean Gonzalez.

Shawnda Dorn Jean Gonzalez, I know you don't know this, but while I was in school, I had discovered I had a benign tumor that eats bone in my left ear. It ate all my ear bones, you know, the smallest bones in the body: the incus, the malleus, and the stapes. These are the bones that when the sound hits the eardrum, these bones vibrate, which are attached to the eardrum and cochlear, which then sends the signal to your brain to hear sound. I had two ear surgeries while in school. One was to remove the tumor and the other to put in an implant. The implant surgery was not successful. I have had one more ear surgery since school, but I have been wearing a hearing aid ever since the implant surgery failed. The point of this story is you can still be a court reporter with a hearing aid.

An earlier post this month highlighted South Coast College alumna, Maria Bustillos, CSR, who overcame an aneurysm while attending school to become a CSR and a working Federal Court Reporter.  Maria and Shawnda are other examples of the strong and inspirational women of South Coast College.

If you are a strong woman who will work hard to achieve a goal that leads to an exceptionally lucrative career path, click on South Coast College and  GET INFO NOW.

Another of the Strong Women at South Coast College

Recently, April Boyce, a student in the Court Reporting Program at South Coast College, gave birth and immediately returned to school within a short period of time.  Click on the post:  Strong Women of South Coast CollegeShe so inspired Candice Bowdre, a student in the Evening Program at South Coast College, to do the same.

Candace Bowdre, Court Reporting Student
Candice gave birth to a baby boy on June 6 and returned to school a week later.  What an amazing story!  Candice is one of a growing number of young women who understand the importance of having a career to provide a great future for their children.  Court reporting is one of the best careers to do that.  In a recent article, it has been listed as the No. 2 Career for surprisingly high incomes.  

If you have a family but know that you have to have a career in today's marketplace that will ensure your family's future, go to South Coast College  and click GET INFO NOW.

Friday, June 12, 2015

South Coast College CART Provider Visits Campus

South Coast College has the best alumni.  They are always there sharing their expertise with students, faculty, and staff.  Every quarter, Melissa Sosa, CSR, who is one of the best CART providers, visits Kevin Magner's computer class to demonstrate how she is able to be present demonstrating in the class while working. 
Melissa Sosa, CSR, CART Provider
Melissa is one of a growing number of alumni who are deciding to use their expertise in helping the deaf and hard-of-hearing community to enjoy their lives more fully.  Melissa came to the school that day despite the fact that she had worked until midnight the night before providing services remotely to the Berkeley City Council.  She had a few days earlier provided her services to a webinar for the Fulbright scholars.

After demonstrating her skills in class and her passion for the work that she is doing, Melissa provided one-on-one sessions with students to explain the many facets of using stenography for assisting the deaf and hard-of-hearing.  She demonstrated how the skill is used to assist students in remote classrooms, how it can be used to provide captions for webcasts, and how it can be used in a variety of different venues.Melissa has appeared in court next to a witness who was deaf to provide captions for the witness to view.  She has traveled to a number of different venues to assist employees who were hard-of-hearing or deaf to receive in-service.  

Melissa said that she enjoys the job not only for the rewarding feeling that she receives from helping others but form the daily challenge it provides.  She has to be constantly learning new vocabulary and keeping up with technology.  Just imagine how challenging it is to have to report a webinar for Fulbright Scholars.  

President Jean Gonzalez and Melissa Sosa, CSR, CART Provider
If you would like to have a rewarding, lucrative career that helps others to enjoy life more fully, click South Coast College and GET INFO NOW!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Federal Court Reporter Alumna Inspires Students

Thanks to Maria Bustillos, CSR, Federal Court Reporter in Los Angeles and graduate of South Coast College, for visiting the campus and inspiring the South Coast College evening students with her story of her journey through the court reporting program.  Maria has worked as a Federal Court Reporter for 11 years.  However, while she was in court reporting school, she suffered an aneurysm and had to interrupt her studies for close to a year.  
Maria Bustillos, CSR, Federal Court Reporter
When she returned to school, she basically had to retake her academic classes because of her loss of memory.  In spite of the obstacle of having the aneurysm and having to rehabilitate, she managed to complete the program with a speed of 240 wpm and go on to become a successful reporter.  Maria is another example of the strong and inspirational women of South Coast College.

If you wish to find out more about how to become a Federal Court Reporter, like Maria, click on South Coast College and  GET INFO NOW.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Reminder of Deadline for Court Reporter Opening

Official Court Reporter Job Openings

Official Court Reporter (Certified Realtime Reporter)

Just a reminder to our South Coast College graduates that the deadline for the Los Angeles Official Court Reporter applications is Thursday, June 11. However, we have provided a link to the official site.
Classification Level:          Levels 3 – 4
Salary Range:                    $90,809 – $94,936
Location:                            Los Angeles
Opening Date:                   Monday, May 11, 2015
Closing Date:                     Thursday, June 11, 2015
Number of Positions:          Two (or more)
Vacancy Number:              15-26
Job Type:                            Full Time
Position Overview:
The United States District Court, Central District of California, is recruiting for Official Court Reporters who are Certified Realtime Reporters.  There are two or more vacancies to be filled in Los Angeles at this time.  The court reporters will report to the Manager of Court Reporting Services for the United States District Court, Central District of California, and to the District Judge to whom the court reporter is assigned.  In addition to the current vacancy, an eligibility list of qualified candidates will be developed from this recruitment to fill potential future vacancies within the district court over the course of the next year.
Representative Responsibilities:
Official Court Reporters’ duties include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Court Reporters are responsible for the verbatim reporting of proceedings held before United States District Judges and Magistrate Judges and for the transcription of those proceedings on request.
  • Court Reporters must be able to read back all or any portions of the court record, to perform well under pressure, to produce transcripts within strict time limitations, and to work as part of a team of reporters for the Judges of the Court.
  • Court Reporters must possess the knowledge, skill and ability to produce accurate, simultaneous realtime translation utilizing computer-aided translation.
  • Court Reporters must be familiar with and adhere to all requirements of the Court Reporter Management Plan for the District.
  • Court Reporters must comply with all administrative duties assigned by his or her manager and the Court.
  • Court Reporters must occasionally travel to the courthouses in Santa Ana and Riverside.
  • Candidate must possess at least four years of court reporting experience as a freelance reporter or as a court reporter, or a combination thereof, and must have passed the Registered Professional Reporter (RPR) Examination administered by the National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) or passed an equivalent qualifying examination such as the Certified Shorthand Reporter (CSR) Examination administered by the Court Reporters Board of California.  The candidate must have passed a Certified Realtime Reporter (CRR) Examination administered by NCRA, USCRA or DRA.
For more information on applying for this position, go to the link provided at the top to the official website.  For more information about how you can become qualified to become an official court reporter, click on GET INFO NOW!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Strong Women of South Coast College

Can you believe that a woman can have a baby at the end of the quarter, be off for the student break of one week, and return to school the first day of the next quarter after having a baby?  April Boyce, a student in the Court Reporting Program at South Coast College in Orange, CA, did just that. 
April Boyce, former U.S. Marine and Court Reporting Student
Everyone worried about April because for several weeks, she had to attend school on crutches. However, as a former U.S. Marine, April was used to facing adversity.  April was determined not to let anything interfere with her goal of becoming a certified shorthand reporter.  April is one of many South Coast College strong women who are able to balance having a family and being a full-time student.  In fact, April has become such a positive role model at South Coast College, that Candace Bowdre, an evening student who is close to delivering her first child, said that she intends to come back to school a week after her delivery.

In addition, it is noteworthy to add that April has another young baby at home.  

If you have a family but know that you have to have a career in today's marketplace, go to the South Coast College website and click GET INFO NOW.