Friday, June 12, 2015

South Coast College CART Provider Visits Campus

South Coast College has the best alumni.  They are always there sharing their expertise with students, faculty, and staff.  Every quarter, Melissa Sosa, CSR, who is one of the best CART providers, visits Kevin Magner's computer class to demonstrate how she is able to be present demonstrating in the class while working. 
Melissa Sosa, CSR, CART Provider
Melissa is one of a growing number of alumni who are deciding to use their expertise in helping the deaf and hard-of-hearing community to enjoy their lives more fully.  Melissa came to the school that day despite the fact that she had worked until midnight the night before providing services remotely to the Berkeley City Council.  She had a few days earlier provided her services to a webinar for the Fulbright scholars.

After demonstrating her skills in class and her passion for the work that she is doing, Melissa provided one-on-one sessions with students to explain the many facets of using stenography for assisting the deaf and hard-of-hearing.  She demonstrated how the skill is used to assist students in remote classrooms, how it can be used to provide captions for webcasts, and how it can be used in a variety of different venues.Melissa has appeared in court next to a witness who was deaf to provide captions for the witness to view.  She has traveled to a number of different venues to assist employees who were hard-of-hearing or deaf to receive in-service.  

Melissa said that she enjoys the job not only for the rewarding feeling that she receives from helping others but form the daily challenge it provides.  She has to be constantly learning new vocabulary and keeping up with technology.  Just imagine how challenging it is to have to report a webinar for Fulbright Scholars.  

President Jean Gonzalez and Melissa Sosa, CSR, CART Provider
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