Sunday, June 28, 2015

Another of the Strong Women at South Coast College

Recently, April Boyce, a student in the Court Reporting Program at South Coast College, gave birth and immediately returned to school within a short period of time.  Click on the post:  Strong Women of South Coast CollegeShe so inspired Candice Bowdre, a student in the Evening Program at South Coast College, to do the same.

Candace Bowdre, Court Reporting Student
Candice gave birth to a baby boy on June 6 and returned to school a week later.  What an amazing story!  Candice is one of a growing number of young women who understand the importance of having a career to provide a great future for their children.  Court reporting is one of the best careers to do that.  In a recent article, it has been listed as the No. 2 Career for surprisingly high incomes.  

If you have a family but know that you have to have a career in today's marketplace that will ensure your family's future, go to South Coast College  and click GET INFO NOW.